These topics are a continuation of the day 1 SketchUp Essentials. You will learn how to efficiently build and organize your project with the use of groups, components, layers. You’ll also learn how to build geometry in the most effective way. These topics will show you what to do when creating complex projects. You will learn how to avoid simple mistakes to increase your design speed, accuracy, and efficiency.
You should already be able to:
• Define fundamental geometrical terms including: polygon, parallel, perpendicular, axes, arc, and array.
• Define 3-dimensional drawing terms including: rendering, field of view, and point of view.
• Demonstrate mouse skills including: double-click, single-click, drag, and right-click (context-click).
• Demonstrate proficient use of the Line (pencil), Move, Erase, Orbit, Zoom, and Select Tools in SketchUp.
Upon completion of this section you should be able to:
• Understand and leverage stickiness in the model
• Use Groups and Components to isolate geometry
• Know the difference between a Group and a Component
• Create a Component
• Demonstrate Component inferencing behavior and how to edit a Component
• Work with Component nesting, scaling, reloading, and use of the Components Browser
• Browse for and download Components from the Google 3D Warehouse
• Utilize Dynamic Components; use Component Options and Scale Tool to change behavior
• Combine Components to create a model in Google Earth
• Locate a site in Google Earth
• Import that site into SketchUp
• Insert a Component from a file
• Model from a photograph
• Match Photo
• Texture Tweaker
• Create materials and use the Materials Browser
• Use the Follow Me Tool
• Work with SketchUp Styles
• Apply
• Edit
• Mix
• Create a basic presentation with LayOut
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